Design for Insights

We help leaders in education and nonprofits use data to make good decisions and affect change. Our evaluations are high quality. We are a team of experts skilled in a variety of methods and tools that we customize to your organization and needs. We gather data attuned to the voices of the people you serve and bring forward the voices of marginalized people.

What We Do

Front End Design

We start with your team. Together we map out your planned strategies and outcomes. That map is a theory of change, logic model, intervention theory, and so on.

We ask questions about the quality, value, and importance of your program. Think Consumer Reports.

Together we set criteria to organize our investigation of the systems you build and implement.

We gather data that bring light to the experiences of all the people, individual voices and the patterns of groups as well. Our front end design assures the data-gathering instruments reflect the people you serve.

We synthesize the data deploying the criteria we set together. Our findings demonstrate where your project is functioning well and where you can focus your attention to make improvements.

Flexible Design

We innovate. We design tools and methodologies with flexibility. We adapt to the changing purposes of your program and your organization’s needs. Whether you aim to draw up a project not seen before, learn about the inner workings of an established program, or harvest lessons learned at other project sites, we help you clarify the purpose and adapt the design.

Design Evaluation capacity

We facilitate and build your capacity to understand the process, findings, and implications of the evaluation.

We design and deliver workshops to teach you about evaluation methods, how evaluation differs from research, etc.

We assess your team and organization's experience and comfort level with the evaluation to figure out a good match.

We apply our expertise to evaluations you carry out so that you can improve your instruments, approach, and learnings about impacts. We love getting in the sandbox with you, making sense of the data, and offering up ideas about next steps.